Dylova Olga Urivna Faculty: Physical-metallurgical
Master's Work Theme | Publications | Library | Links |
1.http://www.steelynx.net/ - site contains the pointers to different resources in networks which are devoted to metallurgy.
2.http://www.metalinform.com/-international site giving different information on industries of metallurgy.
3.http://www.steeluniversity.org/- site, enabling free teaching metallurgical technologies students and workers of companies, related to metalurgicheskoy industry.
4.http://eqworld.ipmnet.ru/ru/library/otherlibs.htm-fiziko-matematicheskaya literature is in the internet.
5.http://www.chermetinfo.com/-site contains different materials, references, articles on metallurgy.
6.http://www.membrana.ru/index.html-site, on which it is possible to find much interesting useful information, check up the knowledges, erudition.
7.http://www.readmetal.com-Magazine of "Metall"- posledyaya information on problem questions metallurgical production. Articles on a blast-furnace, steel-smelting, rental production.
8.http://iss.org/- Cite devoted metallurgical problems.